Bash – How to Handle End of Options in getopts


I use getopts to parse arguments in bash scripts as

while getopts ":hd:" opt; do
  case $opt in
    d ) echo "directory = $OPTARG"; mydir="$OPTARG"; shift $((OPTIND-1)); OPTIND=1 ;;
    h ) helptext
      graceful_exit ;;
    * ) usage
      exit 1


exeparams will hold any unparsed options/arguments. Since I want to use exeparams to hold options for a command to be executed within the script (which can overlap with the scripts own options), I want to use — to end the options passed to the script. If I pass e.g.

myscript -d myscriptparam -- -d internalparam

exeparams will hold

-- -d internalparam

I now want to remove the leading -- to pass these arguments to the internal command. Is there an elegant way to do this or can I obtain a string which holds just the remainder without -- from getopts?

Best Answer

How about:

# ... getopts processing ...

[[ $1 = "--" ]] && shift

Note, you should use an array to hold the parameters. That will properly handle any arguments containing whitespace. Dereference the array with "${exeparams[@]}"

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