Bash – How to Cycle Through Reverse-i-Search


In the terminal, I can type Ctrl + R to search for a matching command previously typed in BASH. E.g., if I type Ctrl + R then grep, it lists my last grep command, and I can hit enter to use it. This only gives one suggestion though. Is there any way to cycle through other previously typed matching commands?

Best Answer

If I understand the question correctly you should be able to cycle through alternatives by repeatedly hitting Ctrl + R.


  • Ctrl + R
  • grep
  • Ctrl + R
  • Ctrl + R ...

That searches backwards through your history. To search forward instead, use Ctrl + S, but you may need to have set: stty -ixon (either by .bash_profile or manually) prior to that to disable the XON/XOFF feature which takes over Ctrl + S. (More details here.)

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