How to Create a Directory in All Subdirectories – Bash Scripting Guide


Suppose I have a directory structure like this:

$ [~/practice] ls
a/ b/ c/ d/

Now I want to create a directory tmp1 in all sub directories of practice and I do this:

$ [~/practice] mkdir */tmp1
mkdir: cannot create directory `*/tmp1': No such file or directory

Then I try the -p switch and I endup with a directory named * with a sub directory tmp1

$ [~/practice] mkdir -p */tmp1

$ [~/practice] ls
*/ a/ b/ c/ d/

I know the use of -p switch is to create multiple nonexistent directories. I just thought it might help.

How do I create tmp1 in all subdirectories at once?

If this can be done, how do I extend it to create \tmp1, \tmp2, \tmp3 in \a, \b and \c at once?

Edit: I missed mentioning that the directories don't have to be simple and in order, like a, b, c etc., and the directory to be created is not necessarily like tmp1, tmp2.

$ [~/practice] ls
dog/ cat/ rat/

In them, I would like to have something like

$ [~/practice] ls *
red/ blue/

red/ blue/

red/ blue/

Best Answer

With globs :

for dir in */; do mkdir -- "$dir/tmp1"; done


  • I treat only dirs (including symlinks to dirs) with the little hack of using */ as a glob
  • If you want to create multiple subdirs at once :

    for dir in */; do mkdir -- "$dir"/{tmp1,foo,bar,qux}; done

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