How to Copy Files Transactionally in Linux


I want to copy a file from A to B, which may be on different filesystems.

There are some additional requirements:

  1. The copy is all or nothing, no partial or corrupt file B left in place on crash;
  2. Do not overwrite an existing file B;
  3. Do not compete with a concurrent execution of the same command, at most one can succeed.

I think this gets close:

cp A B.part && \
ln B B.part && \
rm B.part

But 3. is violated by the cp not failing if B.part exists (even with -n flag). Subsequently 1. could fail if the other process 'wins' the cp and the file linked into place is incomplete. B.part could also be an unrelated file, but I'm happy to fail without trying other hidden names in that case.

I think bash noclobber helps, does this work fully? Is there a way to get without the bash version requirement?

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o noclobber
cat A > B.part && \
ln B.part B && \
rm B.part

Followup, I know some file systems will fail at this anyway (NFS). Is there a way to detect such filesystems?

Some other related but not quite the same questions:

Approximating atomic move across file systems?

Is mv atomic on my fs?

is there a way to atomically move file and directory from tempfs to ext4 partition on eMMC

Best Answer

rsync does this job. A temporary file is O_EXCL created by default (only disabled if you use --inplace) and then renamed over the target file. Use --ignore-existing to not overwrite B if it exists.

In practice, I never experienced any problems with this on ext4, zfs or even NFS mounts.

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