Bash – How to check with a Bash script if an application is running


I have a gnome-run application in my home folder. I have now added the application to run when I press Meta+R (I added it in in CCSM). I run the application by executing ./gnome-run in my home folder.
I can't find any trace of the application process in the output of ps -A.

The problem is that if I have the gnome-run program open and I press the key combination I want the application to close. Is there a way to create a bash file that checks if the applications is running? If it is then close it, else launch it.

Best Answer

This shell script should handle the starting and stopping of any program:


BASECMD=${1%%\ *}
PID=$(pgrep "$BASECMD")
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
    echo "at least one instance of "$BASECMD" found, killing all instances"
    kill $PID
    echo "no running instances of "$BASECMD" found, starting one"

let's say you saved it under ~/mystarter, you can run any command with it using ~/mystarter <name>, eg in your case, bind Meta+R to:

~/mystarter gnome-run

and make sure the script is executable: chmod u+x ~/mystarter. Also it's probably best to put it somewhere in your PATH, so you don't have to type it's full location every time.

As for the fact that gnome-run doesn't show up in ps -A, make sure that gnome run itself isn't a script that launches the actual process. Check if there is a difference between ps -A | wc -l before and after launching it (this counts all running processes).


Since you've accepted the answer, I thought I'd add support for running commands that have commandline arguments, so that this might become a place of reference. Run a command like so:

 ./mystarter 'cmd args'


./mystarter 'ncmpcpp -c ~/.ncmpcpp'

The command just looks up ncmpcpp to see if it's running already, but executes the full command (with arguments) when ncmpcpp wasn't running.

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