Bash Permissions – How to Change Permission of Anonymous Pipe


I've the script which loads the SSH key from the variable (as part of script in CI environment) in order to not keep the private file in the public repository, however ssh-add complains about the wrong permissions (and it seems it's not possible to bypass it). So my approach is to find the method of changing the permission of anonymous pipe which is created on the fly.

For example:

$ stat <(:)
  File: ‘/dev/fd/63’
  Size: 0           Blocks: 0          IO Block: 512    fifo
Device: 397f3928h/964639016d    Inode: 818277067   Links: 0
Access: (0660/prw-rw----)  Uid: (  501/  kenorb)   Gid: (   20/   staff)
Access: 2015-10-10 22:33:30.498640000 +0100
Modify: 2015-10-10 22:33:30.498640000 +0100
Change: 2015-10-10 22:33:30.498640000 +0100
 Birth: 2015-10-10 22:33:30.498640000 +0100

shows 0660 permission. I've checked my umask and it seems it has nothing to do with that.

Here is a simple test (on OS X, which by default has 0660):

$ ssh-add <(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
Permissions 0660 for '/dev/fd/63' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.

On Linux it seems to work, because it's 0500 by default. Where this permission is controlled from?

To clarify, I'm not looking to change the permission of any file, as I'd like to use an anonymous pipe.

The question is:

How do I temporary change the permission of a pipe?

Best Answer

So far I've found the following workaround using named FIFO:

$ mkfifo -m 600 fifo
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa >fifo | ssh-add fifo
Identity added: fifo (fifo)

where the option -m sets the FIFO permission.

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