Bash – How to Alias ‘sudo !!’

aliasbashcommand historyhistory-expansionsudo

I'm trying to set an alias for sudo !! in Bash. I tried alias sbb='sudo !!', but it interprets that as a literal !! and prints

sudo: !!: command not found

If I use double quotes, it substitutes the double bang in the string itself, so that doesn't work.

Is there any way to make this work? Or an alternative alias?

Best Answer

!! is expanded by bash when you type it. It's not expanded by alias substitution.

You can use the history built-in to do the expansion:

alias sbb='sudo $(history -p !!)'

If the command is more than a simple command (e.g. it contains redirections or pipes), you need to invoke a shell under sudo:

alias sbb='sudo "$BASH" -c "$(history -p !!)"'
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