Bash – How to Access the Second Argument from the Last Command in History

bashcommand historycommand linehistory-expansion

I am starting to learn some Regex, therefore I use this command repeatedly:

grep pattern /usr/share/dict/american-english 

Only the part with pattern changes, so I have to write the long expression "/usr/share/dict/american-english" again and again.

Someone made the remark that it is possible to expand an argument of a command from the command history by typing cryptic character combinations instead of the full expression.
Could you tell me those cryptic character combinations ?

Best Answer

You can use <M-.> (or <Esc>. if your Meta key is being used for something else), that is, Meta-dot (or <esc> dot), where Meta is usually the Alt key, to recall the last argument of the previous command. So, first you would type

$ grep foo /usr/share/dict/american-english

And then if you wanted to grep for something else, you would type

$ grep bar

After typing a space and then Esc. (that is, first pressing the escape key, and then the period key):

$ grep bar /usr/share/dict/american-english

You can also use either of the following:

$ grep bar !:2
$ grep bar !$

Where !:2 and !$ mean "second argument" and "last argument" respectively.