Bash – How does this git alias work


Usually, git aliases are confined to a single command:

git config --global commit

So, instead of git commit you could do git ci

But it seems you can insert a function in there as well:

git config --global alias.up-sub '!f() { cd $1 && git checkout master && git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive; }; f'

This allows you to call git up-sub some-submodule

The question is: how does it work? I haven't seen the !f() syntax in any other context.

Best Answer

Looks like a regular shell function definition and invocation. Only the bang stands out, but a quick search through the git-config(1) manual shows an explanation:

If the alias expansion is prefixed with an exclamation point, it will be treated as a shell command. For example, defining " = !gitk --all --not ORIG_HEAD", the invocation "git new" is equivalent to running the shell command "gitk --all --not ORIG_HEAD". Note that shell commands will be executed from the top-level directory of a repository, which may not necessarily be the current directory.

Without the bang, it would alias a git subcommand.

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