Bash – How change prompt of subshell


I'm trying to create a simple script that, among other things, will create a subshell:


# setup


# teardown

The question is: I need to change the default prompt, so for example:

$ # default shell
$ ./myscript
(myscript) $ # subshell
(myscript) $ exit

I tried to change PROMPT and PS1, but none of these works. How can I do that?

PS.: I need a solution that works both on Bash and ZSH, if possible.

Best Answer

I think you can create a subshell with a different prompt like this:

$ bash --rcfile <(echo "PS1='subshell prompt: '") -i


Current env:

$ bash --rcfile <(echo "PS1='subshell prompt$ '") -i

In sub shell:

subshell prompt$ echo hi
subshell prompt$ exit

Back to original shell:

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