Bash – How to a shell script avoid the SIGPIPE that would be caused by use of closed file descriptor


A shell script can lose its standard and other file descriptors if the other end goes away. One way this can happen is by terminating a ssh client used to launch the script:

$ ssh localhost test

This launches a bash script called test over SSH and a CtrlC is used to terminate the ssh command. This does not terminate test which continues running but it does close the attached file descriptors (e.g. standard input/output/error).

If test tries to use those closed file descriptors then it will terminate with a SIGPIPE. A simple echo will suffice.

One of the things test might have is a log function that uses echo to write messages to the systemd journal and also to standard error. Something like this:

log() {
 echo "$*" | systemd-cat -t test
 echo >&2 "$*"

The second echo raises a SIGPIPE after the ssh session is killed (CtrlC). This can be protected against, so that execution continues without the offending echo, by putting the echo in a subshell:

( echo >&2 "$*" )

But is there a better way?

Best Answer

You could if you want ignore SIGPIPE in the script:

trap "" PIPE
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