Bash – Grab the last executed command from history as a string and store in variable in bash

bashcommand historyshell-script

I'm trying to grab the last executed command, with options, and store it as a string to be written to a file. I've tried using fc but that can only give me the next to last command (for me anyways) and I've also tried !!:p which gives the right command when I type it but I can't seem to get it to work in the function itself. Can I accomplish this?

Here's what's going on. arg is what I want the string to be.


    read HISTNUMVAR < histnum.txt
    TEMPHNV=$(fc -l 0 | grep -o '^[0-9]*');
    if [ $TEMPHNV -ne $HISTNUMVAR ]; then
        arg=$(***last history command here***);
        ./ $arg;
    echo $TEMPHNV > histnum.txt;

The script does everything else I need it to do besides grab the right history command.

Best Answer

There's probably a cleaner way, but you can get the previous command from history with

prev=$(fc -ln | tail -2 | head -1)