Bash – GNU parallel with for loop


I've found answers close to this but fail to understand how to use them in my case (I'm rather new to Bash)… so, I'm trying to process a folder containing a large image sequence (100k+ files) with Imagemagick and would like to use GNU Parallel to speed things up.

This is the code I use (processing 100 frames at a time to avoid running out of ram):

cd out1

for (( i=0; i < "${#allframes[@]}" ; i+=100 )); do 
    convert "${allframes[@]:i:100}" -evaluate-sequence "$calcmethod1" \
        -channel RGB -normalize ../out2/"${allframes[i]}"

how would I 'parallelize' this? Most solutions I've found work with not using a loop but piping – but doing this I've run into the problem that my script would break because of my arguments list getting too long…

I guess what I would want to do is to have parallel splitting the load like handing the first 100 frames to core 1, frames 100-199 to core 2 etc.?

Best Answer


Your sample program did not seem to care about the order of the *.png for the allframes array that you were constructing, but your comments led me to believe that order would matter.

I guess what I would want to do is to have parallel splitting the load like handing the first 100 frames to core 1, frames 100-199 to core 2 etc.?


Therefore I'd start with a modification to your script like so, changing the construction of the allframes array so that the files are stored in numeric order.

allframes=($(printf "%s\n" *.png | sort -V | tr '\n' ' '))

This can be simplified further to this using sort -zV:

allframes=($(printf "%s\0" *.png | sort -zV | tr '\0' ' '))

This has the effect on constructing your convert ... commands so that they look like this now:

$ convert "0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png 9.png \
          10.png 11.png 12.png 13.png 14.png 15.png 16.png 17.png 18.png \
          19.png 20.png 21.png 22.png 23.png 24.png 25.png 26.png 27.png \
          28.png 29.png 30.png 31.png 32.png 33.png 34.png 35.png 36.png \
          37.png 38.png 39.png 40.png 41.png 42.png 43.png 44.png 45.png \
          46.png 47.png 48.png 49.png 50.png 51.png 52.png 53.png 54.png \
          55.png 56.png 57.png 58.png 59.png 60.png 61.png 62.png 63.png \
          64.png 65.png 66.png 67.png 68.png 69.png 70.png 71.png 72.png \
          73.png 74.png 75.png 76.png 77.png 78.png 79.png 80.png 81.png \
          82.png 83.png 84.png 85.png 86.png 87.png 88.png 89.png 90.png \
          91.png 92.png 93.png 94.png 95.png 96.png 97.png 98.png 99.png" \
          -evaluate-sequence "mean" -channel RGB -normalize ../out2/0.png


Building off of eschwartz's example I put together a parallel example as follows:

$ printf '%s\n' *.png | sort -V | parallel -n100 --dryrun convert {} \
   -evaluate-sequence 'mean' -channel RGB -normalize ../out2/{1}

again, more simply using sort -zV:

$ printf '%s\0' *.png | sort -zV | parallel -0 -n100 --dryrun "convert {} \
   -evaluate-sequence 'mean' -channel RGB -normalize ../out2/{1}

NOTE: The above has an echo "..." as the parallel action to start. Doing it this way helps to visualize what's happening:

$ convert 0.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png 9.png 10.png \
         11.png 12.png 13.png 14.png 15.png 16.png 17.png 18.png 19.png \
         20.png 21.png 22.png 23.png 24.png 25.png 26.png 27.png 28.png \
         29.png 30.png 31.png 32.png 33.png 34.png 35.png 36.png 37.png \
         38.png 39.png 40.png 41.png 42.png 43.png 44.png 45.png 46.png \
         47.png 48.png 49.png 50.png 51.png 52.png 53.png 54.png 55.png \ 
         56.png 57.png 58.png 59.png 60.png 61.png 62.png 63.png 64.png \ 
         65.png 66.png 67.png 68.png 69.png 70.png 71.png 72.png 73.png \ 
         74.png 75.png 76.png 77.png 78.png 79.png 80.png 81.png 82.png \
         83.png 84.png 85.png 86.png 87.png 88.png 89.png 90.png 91.png \
         92.png 93.png 94.png 95.png 96.png 97.png 98.png 99.png \
         -evaluate-sequence mean -channel RGB -normalize ../out2/0.png

If you're satisfied with this output, simply remove the --dryrun switch to parallel, and rerun it.

$ printf '%s\0' *.png | sort -zV | parallel -0 -n100 convert {} \ 
    -evaluate-sequence 'mean' -channel RGB -normalize


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