Bash – FreeBSD is not Unix. But its Unix-Like Unix. Where is then the main Unix to read the source code


I want to really understand System V, the main origin of Unix (not Unix-like nor modified Unix to Linux). The main origin which is very confusing and not really with care its written somewhere.

Is it true FreeBSD is not Unix? But what is Unix or where is it then?
Where can I find the origin source code to read it and see how the legend was born.

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Best Answer

"is UNIX" is a complicated thing - basically, FreeBSD can't say it's Unix because Unix is trademarked & they don't have the appropriate license. It also isn't derived from System V code, which is the direction the master Unix sources took.

Some old versions of Unix do now have source code available - notably Unix Version 7, one of the last PDP-11 versions. The Unix Tree has browsable source code for V7 and several other Unix distributions.

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