Bash – Forcing Bash to use Perl RegEx Engine

bashperlregular expression

As you may already know, a lot of the features modern RegEx engines support (back referencing, lookaround assertions, etc.) are not supported by Bash RegEx engine. Following is a simple Bash script I have just created to try to explain what my end goal is:


# Make sure exactly two arguments are passed.
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
    echo "Usage: match [string] [pattern]"


if [[ ${variable} =~ ${pattern} ]]
    echo "true"
    echo "false"

So for instance, something like the following command will return false:

. "catfish" "(?=catfish)fish"

whereas the exact same expression will find a match when used in a Perl or a JavaScript regex tester.

Backreferences (e.g. (expr1)(expr2)[ ]\1\2) won't match as well.

I have simply come to the conclusion that my problem will only be solved when forcing bash to use a Perl-compatible RegEx engine.
Is this doable? If so, how would I go about performing the procedure?

Best Answer

Bash doesn't support a method for you to do this at this time. You're left with the following options:

  1. Use Perl
  2. Use grep [-P|--perl-regexp]
  3. Use Bash functionality to code it

I think I would go with #2 and try and use grep to get what I want functionally. For back referencing you can do the following with grep:

$ echo 'BEGIN `helloworld` END' | grep -oP '(?<=BEGIN `).*(?=` END)'

-o, --only-matching       show only the part of a line matching PATTERN
-P, --perl-regexp         PATTERN is a Perl regular expression

    is a positive look-ahead assertion
    is a negative look-ahead assertion
    is a positive look-behind assertion
    is a negative look-behind assertion 


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