Bash – For loops in zsh and bash


I have noticed there are two alternative ways of building loops in zsh:

  1. for x (1 2 3); do echo $x; done
  2. for x in 1 2 3; do echo $x; done

They both print:


My question is, why the two syntaxes? Is $x iterating through a different type of object in each of them?

Does bash make a similar distinction?


Why does the following work?:


d=(a b c)    
for x in $d; do print $x;done

but this one doesn't?:


d=(a b c)    
# It complains with "parse error near `$d'"
for x $d; do print $x;done 

Best Answer

Several forms of complex commands such as loops have alternate forms in zsh. These forms are mostly inspired by the C shell, which was fairly common when zsh was young but has now disappeared. These alternate forms act exactly like the normal forms, they're just a different syntax. They're slightly shorter, but less clear.

The standard form for the for command is for x in 1 2 3; do echo $x; done, and the standard form for the while command is while test …; do somecommand; done. Ksh, bash and zsh have an alternate form of for: for ((i = 0; i < 42; i++)); do somecommand; done, which mimics the for loops of languages like Pascal or C, to enumerate integers. Other exotic forms that exist in zsh are specific to zsh (but often inspired by csh).

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