Bash – find closest matching folder


What is the best way to sort the results of $ find . -name scripts -type d by the occurrences of '/' and then choose the first result?

I want to create a function that would cd down to a common folder in a project. I wanted it to be flexible based on your relative directory.

So if I have 10 projects all with similar folder structure:


I could:

$ cd ~/project-a
$ cdd structure

And be dropped down into ~/project-a/project/folder/structure


I'm unable to sort results in any predictable way, example:

$ find . -type d -name "themes"


I'd like the cdd function to drop down to the closest result. In this example it'd be ./wp-content/themes.

Best Answer

With zsh, you could do:

cdd() cd -- **/$1(/Od[1])

cdd themes

That cdd function finds all the files of type directory (/) with the name given as argument ($1), Orders them by depth and selects the first one ([1]).

Where it's not very efficient is that it crawls the whole directory tree (skipping hidden directories, add the D glob qualifier to change that) even when there's a matching directory in the current directory.

To traverse the directory tree one level of depth at a time, you could do instead:

cdd() {
  local dirs matches
  while (($#dirs)) {
    if (($#matches)) {
      cd $matches[1]
  print >&2 Not found
  return 1
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