Bash – Filenames with spaces in backtick substitution


Suppose I have a file containing a space in its name such as with space. What should cmd output in the below snippet for ls to accept 'with space' as argument?

$ ls `cmd`

I tried ls `echo 'with space'`. The arguments passed to ls are 'with and space'. Trying to escape the space using backslash doesn't work either. I see that using ls "`cmd`" works. But, this does not work if I want to pass multiple files as argument to ls with some possibly containing spaces.

The manual on command substitution also appears sparse.

More generally, what is the output format to be followed by cmd if it wants to output a list of files which can then substituted to be used by another command using backtick substitution?

Best Answer

I see that using ls "`cmd`" works. But, this does not work if I want to pass multiple files as argument to ls with some possibly containing spaces.

That's correct. It's the same issue as with storing commands in a variable (discussed e.g. here), it can't really be done nicely. The options that come to mind are:

  • Have cmd output a NUL-separated list of filenames, then pipe to xargs -0 to pass them to another command
  • Set IFS to some character that doesn't appear in any filenames, and have cmd output the list of files separated by that
  • Have cmd output the file names properly quoted for the shell, and then run it through eval.

Like so:

$ touch "with space" "another space"
$ printf "%s\0" "with space" "another space" | xargs -0 ls -i
1705749 another space  1705230 with space
$ set -f; IFS=%; ls -i $(echo "with space%another space")
1705749 another space  1705230 with space
$ eval ls -i "$(echo '"with space" "another space"')"
1705749 another space  1705230 with space

Or use find -exec ... if you can replace cmd with that.