Bash – Fetch values from plist file on Linux


I have bash script which was written for OS X and now ported to Linux. I don't have access to the Linux box. The bash script would read values from plist files using the defaults read and PlistBuddy command available on OS X.

Since the Linux machine doesn't have these commands, I'm looking for workarounds. Is there library/script (Perl preferably) that helps user fetch values from plist files for a given key on a Linux machine?

I tried using sed/awk, but the output isn't reliable. I've come across scripts like that convert a plist file to other formats.

I have installed a Virtual machine running Ubuntu on my Mac so that I can test my changes before deploying to the actual Linux box.

Best Answer

Since .plist files are already XML (or can be easily converted) you just need something to decode the XML.

For that use xml2:

$ cat
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
$ xml2 <

You should be able to figure out the rest.

Or for Perl, use XML::Simple; (see perldoc for more) to put the XML data structure into a hash.

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