Bash: error handling on find -exec


I was using this little script to find malformed images:

find -name '*.jpg' -exec identify -format "%f\n" {} \; 2>errors.txt

It worked well enough, but now I need to modify it slightly. Instead of dumping the stderr to errors.txt, I want to dump the filename (%f) of the image that triggered the error. That is, I want a list of the malformed image files in errors.txt instead of a list error messages.

I tried adding || echo "%f" >> errors.txt to the -exec portion, but that didn't work. What would be the best way to do this?

Best Answer

This finds malformed images and stores their names in names.txt:

find -name '*.jpg' -exec bash -c 'identify "$1" &>/dev/null || echo "$1">>names.txt' none {} \;

How it works

  • find -name '*.jpg'

    This starts up find as usual.

  • -exec bash -c 'identify "$1" &>/dev/null || echo "$1" >>names.txt' none {} \;

    This runs identify on each file and, if identify returns a non-zero error code, it echoes the file name to names.txt.

    bash -c '...' none {} causes a bash shell to run the command in the quotes with the file name in {} assigned to positional argument $1.

    For the curious, the string none is assigned to $0. $0 is not used unless bash generates an error in which case it will appear in the error message as the program name.


I tried adding || echo "%f" >> errors.txt to the -exec portion, but that didn't work. What would be the best way to do this?

The subtlety is that the || has to operate on the identify command. To do that, we need to put identify in a shell such as by using bash -c as shown above.

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