Bash Echo – Elegant Solution to Echo to Either Stdout or File


I have a bash application that is producing some result, and I'd like to echo the result to either stdout or to a user chosen file. Because I also echo other interactive messages going to the screen, requiring the user to explicitly use the > redirection when he wants to echo the result to a file is not an option (*), as those messages would also appear in the file.

Right now I have a solution, but it's ugly.

if [ -z $outfile ]
    echo "$outbuf"    # Write output buffer to the screen (stdout)
    echo "$outbuf" > $outfile  # Write output buffer to file

I tried to have the variable $outfile to be equal to stdout, to &1 and perhaps something else but it would just write to file having that name and not actually to stdout. Is there a more elegant solution?

(*) I could cheat and use stderr for that purpose, but I think it's also quite ugly, isn't it?

Best Answer

First, you should avoid echo to output arbitrary data.

On systems other than Linux-based ones, you could use:


For Linux, that works for some types of stdout, but that fails when stdout is a socket or worse, if stdout is a regular file, that would truncate that file instead of writing at the current position stdout is in the file.

Other than that, in Bourne-like shell, there's no way to have conditional redirection, though you could use eval:

eval 'printf "%s\n" "$buf" '${logfile:+'> "$logfile"'}

Instead of a variable, you could use a dedicated file descriptor:

exec 3>&1
[ -z "$logfile" ] || exec 3> "$logfile"

 printf '%s\n' "$buf" >&3

A (small) downside with that is that except in ksh, that fd 3 would be leaked to every command run in the script. With zsh, you can do sysopen -wu 3 -o cloexec -- "$logfile" || exit in place of exec 3> "$logfile" but bash has no equivalent.

Another common idiom is to use a function like:

log() {
  if [ -n "$logfile" ]; then
    printf '%s\n' "$@" >> "$logfile"
    printf '%s\n' "$@"

log "$buf"