Bash – echo string >> file does not work


I wrote the following script:

for filename in `find . -name '*'.cpp | grep $IN_REGEX | grep -v $OUT_REGEX`
    echo "Output file is $OUTPUT_FILE"
    count=`git log --pretty=format: --name-only $filename | grep -v ^$ | wc -l`
    echo "$count    $filename" >> $OUTPUT_FILE

But nothing gets written into the output file.

Please note:

  1. I have set the values for OUTPUT_FILE, IN_REGEX and OUT_REGEX.
  2. The code inside the loop is being executed. I checked this with an sh -x invokation.
  3. When I remove the >> $OUTPUT_FILE I get the output.
  4. I tried a touch $OUTPUT_FILE inside the script and that is working fine.

Can someone please point out what is my mistake here?

Best Answer

Does $OUTPUT_FILE exist? What are its permissions (ls -l $OUTPUT_FILE, getfacl $OUTPUT_FILE)? How many times is the echo "Output file..." executed? (I'd put that one outside the for, but it's your call)?

(I'm suspecting your find ... pipeline doesn't return anything)

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