Bash – Are Duplicate Entries in $PATH a Problem?


I source bashrc's of few of my friends. So I end up having duplicate entries in my $PATH variable. I am not sure if that is the problem for commands taking long to start. How does $PATH internally work in bash? Does having more PATHS slow my start up time?

Best Answer

Having more entries in $PATH doesn't directly slow your startup, but it does slow each time you first run a particular command in a shell session (not every time you run the command, because bash maintains a cache). The slowdown is rarely perceptible unless you have a particularly slow filesystem (e.g. NFS, Samba or other network filesystem, or on Cygwin).

Duplicate entries are also a little annoying when you review your $PATH visually, you have to wade through more cruft.

It's easy enough to avoid adding duplicate entries.

case ":$PATH:" in
  *":$new_entry:"*) :;; # already there
  *) PATH="$new_entry:$PATH";; # or PATH="$PATH:$new_entry"

Side note: sourcing someone else's shell script means executing code that he's written. In other words, you're giving your friends access to your account whenever they want.

Side note: .bashrc is not the right place to set $PATH or any other environment variable. Environment variables should be set in ~/.profile. See Which setup files should be used for setting up environment variables with bash?, Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile.

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