Bash – Why does the Python background process end when SSH session is terminated


I have a bash script that starts up a python3 script (let's call it, with the key line:

nohup python3 -u <script> &

When I ssh in directly and call this script, the python script continues to run in the background after I exit. However, when I run this:

ssh -i <keyfile> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <user>@<hostname> "./"

The process ends as soon as ssh has finished running it and closes the session.

What is the difference between the two?

EDIT: The python script is running a web service via Bottle.

EDIT2: I also tried creating an init script that calls and ran ssh -i <keyfile> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <user>@<hostname> "sudo service start <servicename>", but got the same behavior.

EDIT3: Maybe it's something else in the script. Here's the bulk of the script:

chmod 700 ${key_loc}

echo "INFO: Syncing files."
rsync -azP -e "ssh -i ${key_loc} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ${source_client_loc} ${remote_user}@${remote_hostname}:${destination_client_loc}

echo "INFO: Running startup script."
ssh -i ${key_loc} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${remote_user}@${remote_hostname} "cd ${destination_client_loc}; chmod u+x ${ctl_script}; ./${ctl_script} restart"

EDIT4: When I run the last line with a sleep at the end:

ssh -i ${key_loc} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${remote_user}@${remote_hostname} "cd ${destination_client_loc}; chmod u+x ${ctl_script}; ./${ctl_script} restart; sleep 1"

echo "Finished"

It never reaches echo "Finished", and I see the Bottle server message, which I never saw before:

Bottle vx.x.x server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on <URL>
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

I see "Finished" if I manually SSH in and kill the process myself.

EDIT5: Using EDIT4, if I make a request to any endpoint, I get a page back, but the Bottle errors out:

Bottle vx.x.x server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on <URL>
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Exception happened during processing of request from ('<IP>', 55104)

Best Answer

I would disconnect the command from its standard input/output and error flows:

nohup python3 -u <script> </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &  

ssh needs an indicator that doesn't have any more output and that it does not require any more input. Having something else be the input and redirecting the output means ssh can safely exit, as input/output is not coming from or going to the terminal. This means the input has to come from somewhere else, and the output (both STDOUT and STDERR) should go somewhere else.

The </dev/null part specifies /dev/null as the input for <script>. Why that is useful here:

Redirecting /dev/null to stdin will give an immediate EOF to any read call from that process. This is typically useful to detach a process from a tty (such a process is called a daemon). For example, when starting a background process remotely over ssh, you must redirect stdin to prevent the process waiting for local input.

Alternatively, redirecting from another input source should be relatively safe as long as the current ssh session doesn't need to be kept open.

With the >/dev/null part the shell redirects the standard output into /dev/null essentially discarding it. >/path/to/file will also work.

The last part 2>&1 is redirecting STDERR to STDOUT.

There are three standard sources of input and output for a program. Standard input usually comes from the keyboard if it’s an interactive program, or from another program if it’s processing the other program’s output. The program usually prints to standard output, and sometimes prints to standard error. These three file descriptors (you can think of them as “data pipes”) are often called STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR.

Sometimes they’re not named, they’re numbered! The built-in numberings for them are 0, 1, and 2, in that order. By default, if you don’t name or number one explicitly, you’re talking about STDOUT.

Given that context, you can see the command above is redirecting standard output into /dev/null, which is a place you can dump anything you don’t want (often called the bit-bucket), then redirecting standard error into standard output (you have to put an & in front of the destination when you do this).

The short explanation, therefore, is “all output from this command should be shoved into a black hole.” That’s one good way to make a program be really quiet!
What does > /dev/null 2>&1 mean? | Xaprb

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