Bash – Does bash support back references in parameter expansion

bashregular expressionstringvariable substitution

I have a variable named descr which can contain a string Blah: -> r1-ae0-2 / [123], -> s7-Gi0-0-1:1-US / Foo, etc. I want to get the -> r1-ae0-2, -> s7-Gi0-0-1:1-US part from the string. At the moment I use descr=$(grep -oP '\->\s*\S+' <<< "$descr" for this. Is there a better way to do this? Is it also possible to do this with parameter expansion?

Best Answer

ksh93 and zsh have back-reference (or more accurately1, references to capture groups in the replacement) support inside ${var/pattern/replacement}, not bash.


$ var='Blah: -> r1-ae0-2 / [123]'
$ printf '%s\n' "${var/*@(->*([[:space:]])+([^[:space:]]))*/\1}"
-> r1-ae0-2


$ var='Blah: -> r1-ae0-2 / [123]'
$ set -o extendedglob
$ printf '%s\n' "${var/(#b)*(->[[:space:]]#[^[:space:]]##)*/$match[1]}"
-> r1-ae0-2

(mksh man page also mentions that future versions will support it with ${KSH_MATCH[1]} for the first capture group. Not available yet as of 2017-04-25).

However, with bash, you can do:

$ [[ $var =~ -\>[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]+ ]] &&
  printf '%s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
-> r1-ae0-2

Which is better as it checks that the pattern is found first.

If your system's regexps support \s/\S, you can also do:

[[ $var =~ $re ]]

With zsh, you can get the full power of PCREs with:

$ set -o rematchpcre
$ [[ $var =~ '->\s*\S+' ]] && printf '%s\n' $MATCH
-> r1-ae0-2

With zsh -o extendedglob, see also:

$ printf '%s\n' ${(SM)var##-\>[[:space:]]#[^[:space:]]##}
-> r1-ae0-2


$ expr " $var" : '.*\(->[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\{1,\}\)'
-> r1-ae0-2

If there are several occurrences of the pattern in the string, the behaviour will vary with all those solutions. However none of them will give you a newline separated list of all matches like in your GNU-grep-based solution.

To do that, you'd need to do the looping by hand. For instance, with bash:

while [[ $var =~ $re ]]; do
  printf '%s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"

With zsh, you could resort to this kind of trick to store all the matches in an array:

set -o extendedglob
matches=() n=0
: ${var//(#m)->[[:space:]]#[^[:space:]]##/${matches[++n]::=$MATCH}}
printf '%s\n' $matches

1 back-references does more commonly designate a pattern that references what was matched by an earlier group. For instance, the \(.\)\1 basic regular expression matches a single character followed by that same character (it matches on aa, not on ab). That \1 is a back-reference to that \(.\) capture group in the same pattern.

ksh93 does support back-references in its patterns (for instance ls -d -- @(?)\1 will list the file names that consist of two identical characters), not other shells. Standard BREs and PCREs support back-references but not standard ERE, though some ERE implementations support it as an extension. bash's [[ foo =~ re ]] uses EREs.

[[ aa =~ (.)\1 ]]

will not match, but

re='(.)\1'; [[ aa =~ $re ]]

may if the system's EREs support it.

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