Bash – Does Bash have similar features such as Fish’s autosuggestions and highlighting


I recently noticed 2 features in Fish and was wondering if anyone knew if these were also available in Bash?

Syntax highlighting

ss #1


  • You'll quickly notice that fish performs syntax highlighting as you type. Invalid commands are colored red by default:
  • A command may be invalid because it does not exist, or refers to a file that you cannot execute. When the command becomes valid, it is shown in a different color
  • fish will underline valid file paths as you type them
  • This tells you that there exists a file that starts with 'somefi', which is useful feedback as you type.


ss #2


  • fish suggests commands as you type, and shows the suggestion to the right of the cursor, in gray.
  • It knows about paths and options
  • To accept the autosuggestion, hit right arrow or Control-F. If the autosuggestion is not what you want, just ignore it.

Best Answer

Unfortunatly not. But I predict, that bash will massively slow down if you try to implement these features. Perhaps that's why noone "ported" these features yet.

The nearest I found was, a shell suggestion box

aside bash:

I didn't tested it, but the only "ported alternative" that I found was written for zsh:

Some qwant'ing also lead me to and alias, perhaps it also supports that out of the box

... but, I'm quite sure you're not interested in other alternatives to bash, because then you could just switch to fish ;)