Bash Here-String – Why It Adds a Trailing Newline Character

bashtext processing

The following examples show that a newline is added to a here-string.
Why is this done?

xxd -p <<<'a'  
# output: 610a

xxd -p <<<'a
# output: 610a0a

Best Answer

The easy answer is because ksh is written that way (and bash is compatible). But there's a reason for that design choice.

Most commands expect text input. In the unix world, a text file consists of a sequence of lines, each ending in a newline. So in most cases a final newline is required. An especially common case is to grab the output of a command with a command susbtitution, process it in some way, then pass it to another command. The command substitution strips final newlines; <<< puts one back.

bar <<<$tmp

Bash and ksh can't manipulate binary data anyway (it can't cope with null characters), so it's not surprising that their facilities are geared towards text data.

The <<< here-string syntax is mostly only for convenience anyway, like << here-documents. If you need to not add a final newline, use echo -n (in bash) or printf and a pipeline.

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