Bash/cygwin broken after installing rtool


Usually I can solve problems on my own (and Google). But recently I am baffled by this strange hiccup.

I use a chain of scripts for file-processing (in Windows, under Cygwin. Scripts also run on OS X with gnu baseutil). One day after installing Rtools, my scripts stopped working. After much hassle, I've managed to identify a problem.

I have the following line:

key=$( echo "$foo" | tr -d - | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )

where $foo is just another text variable. I remove dashes in $foo and convert it to lower-case. The script worked thousands of times.

But now it doesn't. If I run

echo "Blah-Bleh" | tr -d - | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

I get blahbleh which is expected. But if I do

a=$(echo "Blah-Bleh" | tr -d - | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo $a

I get nothing. $a is empty and [[ -z $a ]] returns true. However, if I revert to old school backticks, the command works again:

a=`echo "Blah-Bleh" | tr -d - | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
echo $a

gives blahbleh.

Now I can replace all command substitutions with the older style, but that's more of a workaround than a solution. So my fellow StackExchangers, what am I missing and how do I fix it? It's really irritating.

ps. My own diagnostic so far:

  • Uninstalling Rtools did not help;
  • Restarting the machine did not help;
  • Reinstalling every Cygwin package did not help;
  • bash version is 4.3.42(4);
  • Right now I have absolutely nothing in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc. Not sure about before Rtools;
  • I can't see anything wrong in $PATH.

Best Answer

OK, after a lot of fiddling and hair pulling, I've managed to restore Cygwin to working order. This is what I did:

  1. Removed Rtools
  2. Cleared and Windows %PATH% of anything Cygwin/Rtools related entry;
  3. Reinstalled all Cygwin packages (from cache);
  4. Rebased Cygwin;
  5. And restarted the computer more often than needed.

Back to work...

PS. Despite Cygwin being working again, I discovered that the original line where I assign values to a bash array isn't producing the right result any more. Had to change this

read -r -a array <<<$(printf $string)

to this

array=($(printf $string))

to make it work. Must have been a bash update, must be.

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