Bash – Customizing bash shell: Bold/color the command


There are a number of tutorials/posts online (e.g. about how to customize your prompt in bash by setting PS1. Is there a way to customize the color/bolding of the command I type?

In other words, as an example lets say that I wanted a green prompt, a bold blue command, and then output in whatever colors would be default. In the example below, I already know how to make "joe>" show as green, blue, bold, whatever by setting PS1. But is there a way I can I make git status show as bold for example?

joe> git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.

Best Answer

You'd have to leave a colour trailing after the PS1 (start it after > in your example), and then use the bash DEBUG trap to clear the colour before your command was run (but after you press enter in your shell. Try something like this:

shopt -s extdebug
trap "tput sgr0" DEBUG
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