Bash, curious about echo $variable


I was hacking at a small script earlier and noticed something I can't explain.

Running this command

(time wget --spider 2>&1  | egrep 'real|response'

gives me this output (which I expect)

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
real    0m0.086s

I capture the output above in a variable

Result=$((time wget --spider 2>&1  | egrep 'real|response')

If I

echo "$Result"   

I get the expected output

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
real    0m0.086s

However if I

echo $Result

I get

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK real    0m0.086s

Why is that ?

Best Answer

The echo $Result command will convert the value of the variable into multiple arguments for echo, splitting on any whitespace, and echo prints all the arguments separated by spaces. On the other hand, echo "$Result" will put the whole string, including whitespace, into the first and only echo argument, which gets printed directly.

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