Bash – Correct syntax to avoid bash ‘ambiguous redirect’ message


I am trying to execute a command which accumulates stdout into an existing file and sends the error messages to another using the command below.

commmand >> /home/user/accumulate_output.log 2>& /home/user/error.log
which gives this error message

bash: /home/user/error.log :ambiguous redirect

What is the right syntax?

Best Answer

2>&1 means redirection of error stream to the standard output and & character on its own doesn't have much meaning: it's waiting for you to provide a number of the file descriptor, but you are giving him a filename istead. You want to redirect into file, not a numbered file descriptor, so

commmand >> /home/user/accumulate_output.log 2>/home/user/error.log

You can understand &1 and &2 as "filenames" referring to file descriptors of stdout and stderr. Now you see that & in front of a filename doesn't make sense.

In summary, the syntax is n>&m or n>file where n is the file descriptor to redirect (if it is not specified, it means standard output, n=1), and on the right side, you can either redirect to file descriptor m, or a file with name file. m can be a number or - which means the file descriptor should be closed instead of redirected (redirected "nowhere").

There is also a special syntax to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same place, but that's &>. It will just confuse you, as it doesn't fall into the regular syntax - it is a shortcut that actually performs two redirects at once.

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