Copying Files with Multiple Extensions in Bash


I would like to copy files with multiple extensions to a single destination directory.

For example, I can use the following command to copy all .txt files in the working directory to a directory called destination:

cp -v *.txt destination/

And I can use the following to copy all .png directories in the working directory to destination:

cp -v *.png destination/

But it's time consuming to type these as separate commands (even with the use of command history). So, is there any way that I can tell cp to copy files with either the pattern *.txt or the pattern *.png to destination? Ideally, I would like to be able to specify more than two patterns — like instructing cp to copy all *.txt or *.png or *.jpg files to destination, for example.

I'm sure that all of this is possible using a shell script — I'm using bash, for example — but is there any way to accomplish it more simply, just from the console? Could I somehow use brace expansion to do it?

I know that it is possible to copy all files in the working directory except those matching certain specified patterns, but since my working directory contains far more file extensions that I don't want to copy than those I do, that would be a pain.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Best Answer

Brace expansion will get the job done. man bash and search for Brace Expansion.

cp *.{txt,jpg,png} destination/


In keeping with the OP's request, the command above was missing the verbose option:

cp -v *.{txt,jpg,png} destination/
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