Bash – Copy multiple files using command `xargs`


I'd like to copy the files searched by command find to the currernt directory

    # find linux books
    find ~ -type f -iregex '.*linux.*\.pdf' -print0 | xargs -0 echo
  # the result
    ../Books/LinuxCollection/Linux_TLCL-17.10.pdf ../Richard Blum, Christine Bresnahan - Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, 3rd Edition - 2015.pdf ..

Test to copy the files to the current dir using command `cp'

 find ~ -type f -iregex '.*linux.*\.pdf' -print0 | xargs -0 cp .

Get error:

    usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file target_file
           cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file ... target_directory

I work out the problem with command substitution

    cp $(find ~ -type f -iregex '.*linux.*\.pdf' -print0) .

How to accomplish it with xargs?

Best Answer

As the cp error indicates, the target directory must come last. Since it looks like your cp doesn't have an equivalent of GNU cp's -t option, you have to get xargs to insert the filename between cp and .:

find ... | xargs -0 -I _ cp _ .

where -I is used to tell which string is to be replaced with the input (in this case I'm using _, though {} is also commonly used).

Of course, this can be done with find itself:

find ~ -type f -iregex '.*linux.*\.pdf' -exec cp {} . \;
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