Bash – Copy a File From One Zip to Another

bashfile managementlinuxscriptingzip

I have a file named ''

This file ('') contains two files:



I also have a file named ''

This file ('') contains one file:


In linux, what bash command shall I use to copy both files ('textFile.txt', 'binFile.bin') from the source archive ('') straight into the second archive (''), so that at the end of the process, the second archive ('') will include all three files?

(ideally, this would be done in one command, using 'zip' or 'unzip')

Best Answer

Using the usual command-line zip tool, I don't think you can avoid separate extraction and update commands.

temp_dir=$(mktemp -dt)
( cd "$temp_dir"
  unzip "$source_zip"
  zip -g "$targetZip" .
  # or if you want just the two files: zip -g "$targetZip" textFile.txt binFile.bin
rm -rf "$temp_dir"

There are other languages with more convenient zip file manipulation libraries. For example, Perl with Archive::Zip. Error checking omitted.

use Archive::Zip;
my $source_zip = Archive::Zip->new("");
my $target_zip = Archive::Zip->new("");
for my $member ($source_zip->members()) {
          # or (map {$source_zip->memberNamed($_)} ("textFile.txt", "binFile.bin"))

Another way is to mount the zip files as directories. Mounting either of the zip files is enough, you can use zip or unzip on the other side. Avfs provides read-only support for many archive formats.

(cd "$HOME/.avfs$PWD/" &&
 zip -g "$target_zip" .)  # or list the files, as above

Fuse-zip provides read-write access to zip archives, so you can copy the files with cp.

source_dir=$(mktemp -dt)
target_dir=$(mktemp -dt)
fuse-zip "$source_dir"
fuse-zip "$target_dir"
cp -Rp "$source_dir/." "$target_dir" # or list the files, as above
fusermount -u "$source_dir"
fusermount -u "$target_dir"
rmdir "$source_dir" "$target_dir"

Warning: I typed these scripts directly in my browser. Use at your own risk.

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