Bash Autocomplete – How to Complete Words on Screen Like in VIM


How can I configure Bash, Zsh or Tmux to complete the last matching identifier on the screen? Consider this common scenario:

$ git fetch
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
From /opt/git/thunder
 * [new branch]      issue540   -> origin/issue547314
   e9204cf..4d42c3f  v2.1       -> origin/v2.1

How can I get Bash / Zsh/ Tmux to complete issue547 on the CLI easily? When I press Tab after $ git checkout is Git helpfully completes to issue, but I must complete the digits by myself because all the previous digits do in fact match existent Git branches.

In VIM, pressing Ctrl+P for omnicomplete will complete as the previous match, so in this case issue547314 will in fact be completed. How can I get this behaviour in Bash, in Zsh or in Tmux?

I'm currently using Bash 4.2 and Tmux 1.10 on Ubuntu Server (usually 12.04 LTS). I can update to the latest Ubuntu Server LTS (14.04) if needed.

EDIT: I would not mind any solution that uses Bash, Zsh, or Tmux as long as it is not difficult to use. So Tab or Ctrl+P or some other such shortcut would be fine, but not Alt+Meta+Super+Shift+א.

Best Answer

I think that feature that OP is looking for is called dabbrev-expand in Emacs world:

Expand the word in the buffer before point as a dynamic abbrev, by searching in the buffer for words starting with that abbreviation (v-expand).

xterm also has dabbrev-expand feature but it's a bit less smart than Emacs counterpart but it's very useful to me and one was one of the reasons for which I switched to xterm. Inside xterm window one can use a custom keybinding specified in ~/.Xresources to invoke dabbrev-expand on a given string. For example, I have the following entry in my ~/.Xresources (I use uxterm, an Unicode version of xterm):

UXTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \n\
     Meta <Key>/:dabbrev-expand() \n\

Inside xterm window I can use M-/ (ALT + /) to invoke dabbrev-expand. xterm will look for all strings visible on the screen that start with letters I typed. Example:

$ echo a_very_long_string bye by
$ a_v

If I pressed M-/ now xterm would expand a_v to a_very_long_string. Unfortunately, as I said xterm is not so smart and its dabbrev-expand feature will only work on full strings. So, in your case is would be expanded to issue540 and not issue547314 because issue547314 is a part of origin/issue547314 (think about it as \b in regular expressions, it's a bit similar although most regular expressions engines would catch both occurrences of issue strings in \bissue.+\b). But, you can type or and then pres M-/. xterm will first expand or to origin/v2.1, this is not what we want so press M-/ again and xterm will expand it to origin/issue547314. Now, if you use Bash you can do M-b, C-w and C-e to remove origin/ part. To sum up, dabbrev-expand inside xterm is not as good as in Emacs (and Vim I guess) but it's still faster than rewriting long strings by hand and less typo-prone. And in most cases it will expand directly to the desired string without need to remove redundant parts. You just need to get used to it - look at string you want to have at cursor and see if it's not preceded by something else, and if it is type a preceding part and remove it after expansion.

Note that xterm is not compiled with dabbrev-expand feature by default and you have to enable it explicitly. However, version of xterm in Ubuntu repositories is compiled with dabbrev-expand and you can use it right away.

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