Bash – Command that may return error code in .bashrc


I would like to set a variable inside .bashrc to be equal to the output of a command that may return an error code.

I do not know the implications of doing such a thing. Will everything else work correctly even if this command fails?

The code in .bashrc currently is simply:

export MYVAR=$(my_dubious_command 2>/dev/null)

Is it safe to do this?

Best Answer

As l0b0 said, it's unlikely that your .bashrc would be running with errexit set, but you could take care of that situation by testing:

case $SHELLOPTS in
  (*errexit*)   set +e;
                export MYVAR=$(my_dubious_command 2>/dev/null);
                set -e
  (*)           export MYVAR=$(my_dubious_command 2>/dev/null)

The export command, as written, should return 0, in case any subsequent commands check $?; you are not providing any invalid options to it, the variable name is a valid one, and you are not exporting a non-existent function.

The case statement checks to see if errexit is set; if so, it temporarily turns it off in order to run my_dubious_command.