Bash – command substitution inside awk


Is there a way to perform command substitution inside AWK and be able to reference the fields inside the substituted command using the $n notation of AWK?


find | awk '/txt$/ {nl = $(wc -l $NF); print nl}'

I was hoping that the above would print the number of lines in each .txt file.
Instead, it effectively returns the same output as:

find | awk '/txt$/ {print}'

Q1: is there a way to perform command substitution inside awk?

Q2: why is the first incantation above silently failing and is simply printing the filenames instead?

Please note the above is offered as an example only. I am not asking how to print the number of lines of each file by some other means. E.g by for f in $(find -iname \*.txt); do wc -l $f; done

The question is specifically about how to leverage command substitution in AWK programs.

Best Answer

First, a disclaimer: Please don't parse the output of find. The code below is for illustration only, of how to incorporate command substitution into an Awk script in such a way that the commands can act upon pieces of Awk's input.

To actually do a line count (wc -l) on each file found with find (which is the example use case), just use:

 find . -type f -name '*txt' -exec wc -l {} +

However, to answer your questions as asked:


To answer your Q1:

Q1: is there a way to perform command substitution inside awk?

Of course there is a way, from man awk :

command | getline [var] Run command piping the output either into $0 or var, as above, and RT.

So ( Watch the quoting !! ):

find . | awk '/txt$/{"wc -l <\"" $NF "\"|cut -f1" | getline(nl); print(nl)}'

Please note that the string built and therefore the command executed is

wc -l <file

To avoid the filename printing of wc.

Well, I avoided a needed file "close" for that command (safe for a couple of files, but technically incorrect). You actually need to do:

find . | awk '/txt$/{
                       comm="wc -l <\"" $NF "\" | cut -f1"
                       comm | getline nl;
                       close (comm);
                       print nl 

That works for older awk versions also.
Remember to avoid the printing of a dot . with find ., that makes the code fail as a dot is a directory and wc can not use that.

Or either, avoid the use of dot values:

find . | awk '/txt$/ && $NF!="." {  comm="wc -l <\"" $NF "\" | cut -f1"
                                    comm | getline nl;
                                    close (comm);
                                    print nl 

You can convert that to a one-liner, but it will look quite ugly, Me thinks.


As for your second question:

Q2: why is the first incantation above silently failing and is simply printing the filenames instead?

Because awk does not parse correctly shell commands. It understand the command as:

nl = $(wc -l $NF)
nl --> variable
$ --> pointer to a field
wc --> variable (that has zero value here)
-  --> minus sign
l  --> variable (that has a null string)
$  --> Pointer to a field
NF --> Last field

Then, l $NF becomes the concatenation of null and the text inside the las field (a name of a file). The expansion of such text as a numeric variable is the numeric value 0

For awk, it becomes:

nl = $( wc -l $NF)
nl = $ ( 0 - 0 )

Which becomes just $0, the whole line input, which is (for the simple find of above) only the file name.

So, all the above will only print the filename (well, technically, the whole line).

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