Bash – Command substitution inside a function does not stop the script on a failure even if -e is set


I have a following script,

set -eu -o pipefail -E

function func1() {
  echo "FUNC1"
  exit 1

function func2() {
  local ret
  echo $ret
  echo "(func2)This line shouldn't be reached:'${?}'" >&2

var=$(func1) # The Line
echo "main:This line shouldn't be reached:'${var}':'${?}'" >&2

(GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu))

This stops executing expectedly,

$ bash -eu 

However, if I modify "The Line" to var=$(func2) to call func1 through func2, it will give me following output

$ bash 
(func2)This line shouldn't be reached:'0'
main:This line shouldn't be reached:'FUNC1':'0'

To me, it seems command substitution behaves differently when it is placed inside a function, but I don't see why bash is designed so.
Also it is a quite possible situation where a function's output is used by another and such a difference is confusing.

NOTE: If I rewrite func2 like following,

function func2() {

The script stops at The Line.
However, programmers quite often want to manipulate output from func1, I believe.

Best Answer

This is all perfectly understandable if we step through slowly. Some more logging is required, so run bash with the -x parameter, which will echo commands just before bash executes them, prefixed by + .

First run

$ bash -x; echo $?
+ set -eu -o pipefail -E
++ func1
++ echo FUNC1
++ exit 1
+ var=FUNC1
  • -e says this shell will exit immediately a command returns non-zero. Crucially though, you run func1 in a subshell (using $( )). The trace above shows this fact by using two +s as the prefix (++ ).
  • The subshell spits out FUNC1 on stdout, and then exits with return code 1.
    • Note: -e is off inside this subshell. The reason the subshell quit was due to the exit command, not -e. You can't really tell this due to the way func1 is written.
  • Back in the first shell, we assign FUNC1 to the variable var. However, the exit code of this assignment command is the exit code of the last command substitution. Bash sees this failure (i.e., non-zero exit code), and quits.

To quote the manual's SIMPLE COMMAND EXPANSION section:

If one of the expansions contained a command substitution, the exit status of the command is the exit status of the last command substitution performed.

Second run

Exactly the same explanation as the first run. We note again that the -e is not in effect inside the subshell. This time however, there is a material difference — we get a clearer view of what is happening.

  • The exit code of func2 is the exit code of its last command
  • That echo always succeeds.
  • func2 always succeeds
  • The assignment always succeeds.

-e has no effect.

shopt -s inherit_errexit ?

This will turn on -e in subshells. It is however a difficult bedfellow. It does not guarantee we assert when a command fails.

Consider this:

set -e
shopt -s inherit_errexit

f() { echo a; (exit 22); echo b; }

echo "f says [$(f)] $?"
echo byee

This time the command substitution is part of an echo, rather than an assignment, and we get

+ set -e
+ shopt -s inherit_errexit
++ f
++ echo a
++ exit 22
+ echo 'f says [a] 22'
f says [a] 22
+ echo byee
  • The subshell sees a command that fails with exit code 22. Since -e is in effect, the shell exits with code 22 (echo b does not execute).
  • Back in the first shell, echo gets a as the output of f, and 22 as the exit code of the subshell
  • Thing is, unlike an assignment, the exit code of the echo is zero.


$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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