Bash – Command not found running in shell script


I'm running git-bash on windows. I feel the issue I'm facing is more of a NIX geared question than windows. I have a shell script:

build="gulp build"

cd "${myProject}"

When I run this script I get error

gulp build: command not found

When I run "gulp build" directly in the shell, running these same commands by hand then everything works. I tried executing the script via:

. and just

Same error either way. How can I run a script that can access gulp/npm? Why does this fail even when I am sourcing the script?

Best Answer

Quoting "${build}" prevents word splitting, so it has the same effect here as writing "gulp build" (with quotes), which would search for an executable called gulp build with a space inside the name; and not as writing gulp build, which executes gulp with a build argument.

Concluding, the last line of your script should be:

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