Bash – checking an argument to a bash script is a string of all digits


The Bash FAQ says

If you're validating a simple "string of digits", you can do it with a glob:

# Bash
if [[ $foo = *[!0-9]* ]]; then
    echo "'$foo' has a non-digit somewhere in it"
    echo "'$foo' is strictly numeric"

I thought, "Goody, that looks nice and simple".
I then pasted exactly that into a script, except I added "exit 1" after the first echo and changed $foo to $1, so that it looked like

if [[ $1 = *[!0-9]* ]]; then
    echo "'$1' has a non-digit somewhere in it"
    exit 1
    echo "'$1' is strictly numeric"

I then tried to run this and got

$ sh bar
bar 6: [[: not found
'bar' is strictly numeric

I'm Bash illiterate, I'm ashamed to say, so I've no idea what could be wrong here. I had the impression, supported by the online Bash manual that the operator for matching with regexes is =~, but changing that doesn't make any difference. And that [[ operator that seems to be problematic here looks standard, though I don't know what the difference is between [[ ]] and [ ], which both correspond to testing the expression, as far as I know. I'm using Debian squeeze with bash

$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)

Debian says version 4.1-3.

Best Answer

Why are you calling sh, if that's a bash script? It's clear that on your system, sh is not bash, but some other shell in the Bourne/POSIX family. In fact, it's dash, a smaller shell designed for low memory consumption and speed that pretty much only supports POSIX constructs and built-in utilities.

[[ … ]] is a ksh extension to the Bourne syntax that was picked up by bash and zsh but not by POSIX. In a portable script, you need to use [ … ] for tests. The standard construct doesn't have any support for pattern matching; the standard idiom is to use a case construct:

case $1 in                        # branch to the first pattern that $1 matches
  *[!0-9]*)                       # pattern = anything containing a non-digit
    echo not a number             # do this if the first pattern triggered
    ;;                            # end of this case branch
  *)                              # pattern = anything (else)
    echo successor of $(($1-1))   # do this if the second pattern triggered
    ;;                            # end of this case branch
esac                              # end of the case construct

Here's a function that tests if its argument is all-digits:

is_all_digits () {
  case $1 in *[!0-9]*) false;; esac

Digression: I initially made a typo in the snippet above: I'd written $(($0-1)). This caused odd-looking error messages:

$ ash 42 4: arithmetic expression: expecting EOF: ""
$ ash ./ 42
./ 4: arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "./"
$ ksh ./ 42
./ line 3: invalid variable name
$ pdksh ./ 42
./[4]: ./ unexpected `.'
$ bash 42 line 3: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".sh-1")
$ bash ./ 42
./ line 3: ./ syntax error: operand expected (error token is "./")
$ zsh 42 bad floating point constant

$0 is the name of the script, so the arithmetic expression to be evaluated was or ./ You can watch the diversity of error mesages amongst shells. I was a little surprised to see that ash's messages and bash's message without ./ were the clearest: none of the other shells mention that the problem is in an arithmetic expression. Ash and pdksh do get docked points for reporting the error one line too far.

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