Bash – Changing the PS1 on an interactive bash subshell easily


I have a situation where I need to provide a subshell to a user mid-way through a longish process. I would like to change the prompt to remind the user that they are in a special subshell and haven't gone through the rest of the process yet. I thought that this would do what I want…

echo "PS1='foo:'" | bash -i

But when I enter that line, this is the output I get

me@mercury:~$ PS1='foo:'

Is there a simple way around this? I could writeup my own custom bashrc… but I'd prefer to preserve the user's usual bash-shell setup.

Best Answer

You can use process substitution to essentially make a ~/.bashrc that only exists for the bash -i invocation like so:

 bash --rcfile <(echo "PS1='foo: '") -i
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