Bash – Change the text on a single line number in multiple text files

awkbash-scripttext processingvi

Suppose that I have ten bash shell scripts:,, …, Initially, all ten files are identical.

Now, I would like to make two changes in each script:

  1. In each file, I would like to change a particular line (say line 8) — that is, deleting whatever is on line 8 and replacing it with a "constant" string that I specify, such as "This is line 8." This is similar to this question, but there they wanted to replace "AAA" with "BBB", whereas I would like to replace line 8 (whatever it is) with "This is line 8.".

  2. In each file, I would like to change another particular line (say line 21) and replace it with a "variable" string that I specify. For example, in I want to change line 21 to "XYZ"; in I want to change line 21 to "PQR"; and in I want to change line 21 to "ABC". Essentially this is just many calls to the function in (1) above — except that I would be making the change in one individual file rather than in all files, and that I am specifying ten different strings rather than just one. So to obtain (2) here, perhaps I would just call (1) ten different times with different parameters.

I am interested in solutions that use commonly available Linux programs like bash, vi, awk, gawk, etc.

Best Answer

for file in f1 f2; do
  sed -i '8s/^.*$/foo/' "$file"
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