Bash – CD into directory from HISTORY in a bash script or alias e.g. $(!!)


I often want to change into the directory of a file on my file system, but I'm not sure where the file is.

I search for it like so:

find -type f -name "myfile.txt"

Lets say for the sake of simplicity, that this returns one result, eg.

/some/super/long/path/that/i dont/want/to/type/myfile.txt

I then usually type this:

cd $(dirname $(!!))

To switch into the directory of the file I was searching for….

Is there anyway to put this into a shell script or alias, so I can basically type:


and it runs:

cd $(dirname $(!!))

using the shell's HISTORY? I've tried it, and the shell history seems to be missing in bash scripts.

Best Answer

fc -s runs the previous command again:

alias cdlast='cd "$(dirname "$(fc -s 2> /dev/null)")"'

Or use eval "$(history -p !!)":

alias cdlast='cd "$(dirname "$(eval "$(history -p !!)")")"'
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