Bash – ~/.bashrc does not recognize export


This is probably the weirdest thing you've ever seen. But it's true. I'm on macOS, and want to install devKitARM. After installing Git, the guide told me to show the program where the binaries are. It told me to execute:

echo "export DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

However, when I do this, it gives me

export: Command not found.
export: Command not found.
export: Command not found.

I looked in the ~/.bashrc and realized that there was already an export PATH command in there, probably for some system function. However, this was not being recognized the entire time. Can someone help?

Best Answer

Your currently running shell is the (TENEX) C shell, which does not have an export command. You cannot source a Bourne Again or POSIX shell script in the C shells. The C shell syntax is different to the Bourne/POSIX shell syntax.

Adding these environment variables to your interactive shell involves the C shell's setenv command. Having this done automatically for login shells involves the C shell's ~/.login script.

The manual installation instructions actually simply say "Add these variables in your execution environment". The Bourne Again shell is just a "for instance". Obviously, if you aren't using the Bourne Again shell, which you clearly are not, then you do what is appropriate for your actual choice of shell.

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