Bash – Background task finished notification syntax


Last night, before abandoning my computer for the evening, I started a bunch of compiler jobs so they'd be ready in the morning, using make -f alpha.mak &>alpha.out &. When I came back and hit return, I saw the following output:

[1]   Done                    make -f alpha.mak &>alpha.out
[2]-  Done                    make -f beta.mak &>beta.out
[3]+  Done                    make -f gamma.mak &>gamma.out

My question: What do the + and - symbols mean in that output?

I'm using bash on RedHat 6.

Best Answer

According to the Bash Reference Manual: Job Control:

In output pertaining to jobs (e.g., the output of the jobs command), the current job is always flagged with a +', and the previous job with a-'.