Bash – Assign multiple environment variables to a single variable and expand them on command


Let's say I want to repeat the same string of environment variables before running various incantations of a command

if [[ some_thing ]]; then
    TZ=GMT LC_ALL=C LONG_ENV_VAR=foo my_command
elif [[ some_other_thing ]]; then
    TZ=GMT LC_ALL=C LONG_ENV_VAR=foo my_command --with-arg
    TZ=GMT LC_ALL=C LONG_ENV_VAR=foo my_command --with-other-arg

Is there a way to combine those? Some options

  1. Set them via export

    export TZ=GMT
    export LC_ALL=C
    export LONG_ENV_VAR=foo
    if [[ ]] # ...

    This works but I would rather not have them continue to be set in the environment.

  2. Attempt to create a variable variable!

    local cmd_args="TZ=GMT LC_ALL=C LONG_ENV_VAR=foo"

    Unfortunately when I tried to run this via:

    $cmd_args my_command

    I got TZ=GMT: command not found.

  3. Just list them all out every time.

I also tried Googling for this, but "environment variable variable" isn't the easiest term to search for and I didn't get anywhere. Is there a fix for what I'm trying to do in #2? or am I stuck with some version of #1 and unsetting the vars afterwards?

Best Answer

I might use a subshell for this:

  if [[ some_thing ]]; then
    exec my_command

That allows you to clearly set the variables once; have them present for anything you run inside the subshell, and also not be present in the main shell's environment.