Bash – assign and inspect bash function metadata


I often generate and register a lot of bash functions that automate many of the task I usually do in my development projects. That generation depends on the meta-data of the project I am working on.

I want to annotate the functions with the info of the project they were generated, this way:

func1() {
# This function was generated for project: PROJECT1
echo "do my automation"

Ideally, I would be able to see the comment when I inspect the definition:

$ type func1

func1 is a function
func1 () 
    # This function was generated for project: PROJECT1
    echo "do my automation"

But somehow bash seems to ignore the comments at the moment of loading the function, not when executing it. So the comments are lost and I get this result:

func1 is a function
func1 () 
    echo "do my automation"

Is there any way to assign metadata to functions, and check them afterwards? It is possible to retrieve it when inspecting the definition with type?

Best Answer

function func_name()
  : '
  Invocation:   func_name $1 $2 ... $n
  Function:     Display the values of the supplied arguments, in double quotes.
  Exit status:  func_name always returns with exit status 0.
  ' :
  local i
  echo "func_name: $# arguments"
  for ((i = 1; i <= $#; ++i)); do
    echo "func_name [$i] \"$1\""
  return 0