bash – Are the Null String and “” the Same String?


Bash manual says:

A parameter is set if it has been assigned a value. The null string is
a valid value.

If value is not given, the variable is assigned the null string.

Is the null string the same as ""?

Are their lengths both zero? Can both be tested by conditional expressions -z or -n which tests if the length of a string is zero or nonzero?

Best Answer

Yes. Using the test from this answer:

$ [ -n "${a+1}" ] && echo "defined" || echo "not defined"
not defined
$ a=""
$ [ -n "${a+1}" ] && echo "defined" || echo "not defined"
$ b=
$ [ -n "${b+1}" ] && echo "defined" || echo "not defined"

So setting the variable to "" is the same as setting it to empty value. Therefore, empty value and "" are the same.

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