Bash Terminal – Prevent Terminal Window from Closing on Non-zero Exit Code


At first this was a bit funny, like playing "Bash Roulette"
…but now it's getting old lol

Any command in my terminal that exits with non-zero code closes my terminal window

I was told that perhaps I have set -e set in some bash script somewhere that my terminal sources.

I have checked .bash_profile / .bashrc / .profile and it doesn't look like set -e is in there.

Would there be any other obvious culprits?

Best Answer

Alright, so indeed, it was a wayward set -e that caused my trouble.

The way I found the set -e was using bash -lx

The best thing to do would be to use:

bash -lx > lx.log 2>&1

then open that log file and do a search for set...

once you find that wayward set -e you can remove that line and your problem should be gone! (Machine restart might be a good idea tho).

In my case, the set -e was in a file that .bash_profile sources, but the line was not in .bash_profile itself.

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