Bash – Alert when running process finishes


There are a few questions and answers on here with regard to being alerted when a process completes/exits(1, 2) – but these all assume that the user has issued said process themselves, and thus can script it with an alert built into the governing script, or pipe the process to some kind of alert.

My situation is that I would like to be alerted of the completion/exit of a process that my user is not initializing. Namely, I am bulk processing massive video files on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server. Certain operations on these files take a very long time, so I would like some kind of alert (email would be great) when a specific one finishes. They take so long, that doing this on a one-off basis, manually, based on PIT would be perfectly fine.

To provide more info – let's say I'm processing a particularly big file, and I see that it has progressed on to an FFMPEG script, the process itself being a python script (that is quite complex, and not written by myself, and something I do not wish to modify – though that would be the first logical approach). I imagine issuing a command or script with the PID of said running python script as an argument, and when the process with that PID is no longer running, the alert script does its thing.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I wrote

process_watcher --pid 1234 --to

Currently, email body looks like:

PID 18851: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin --writer --splash-pipe=5
Started: Thu, Mar 10 18:33:37 Ended: Thu, Mar 10 18:34:26 (duration 0:00:49)
Memory (current/peak) - Resident: 155,280 / 155,304 kB Virtual: 1,166,968 / 1,188,216 kB

[+] indicates the argument may be specified multiple times, for example:
 process-watcher -p 1234 -p 4258 -c myapp -c "exec\d+" --to --to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PID, --pid PID     process ID(s) to watch [+]
                        watch all processes matching the command name. (RegEx pattern) [+]
  -w, --watch-new       watch for new processes that match --command. (run forever)
  --to EMAIL_ADDRESS    email address to send to [+]
  -n, --notify          send DBUS Desktop notification
  -i SECONDS, --interval SECONDS
                        how often to check on processes. (default: 15.0 seconds)
  -q, --quiet           don't print anything to stdout

Ceate a GitHub issue if you need any improvements to it.

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